About Tim Batiste

I have been involved with the healing arts since a very young age. My father was a great complimentary Psychiatrist in Los Angeles and he opened me up to various forms of healing work when I was a child. He introduced me to professional massage when I was 10 years old, we studied meditation together when I was a teenager, he introduced me to Holotropic breath work when I was 14 and my pursuit of conscious healing work has continued to flourish. From these experiences I have fostered a passion for learning and living life fully.

I studied Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, Shiatsu, Oriental medical theory, CranioSacral Therapy, anatomy, physiology and nutrition at the Heartwood Institute in Northern California. I graduated with an Advanced Massage Therapist degree with over 900 hours of study.







"In every culture & in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy”
— Nobel Laureate
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi,


In addition to all of this, I am a father of four. I have discovered that parenting is the most challenging and rewarding job in the universe. My wife and I strive for conscious parenting, so the challenge with four is exponential.

I bring focused attention, presence and heart to my healing work.

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